Simple Hero image to show main concept of the project

Invest in Women Hub

BEIS asked us to create a brand for a website that will be a go-to destination for women seeking to raise capital. The Invest in Women Hub has been created to support more women to start and build thriving businesses, and meet the Review’s objective of doubling the number of female entrepreneurs in the UK by 2030.


Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy


Designer as part of a team (my route)


Branding, UI/UX


Another process image or component to the project
A larger process image to give more context to the project

An image showing the project design in practice


A dynamic identity that combines the idea of drafting ideas out on a whiteboard and investment trend lines.

An image with the main solution in context
first mockup
second mockup
extra image for context
another image to give context
A thind image for anything extra that needs to be shown
